Huge If Theatre
Game played over Zoom, late May-ealy June
A Zoom call full of people mewling “Memory” and slowly losing their minds? Must be 2020!
This is footage taken by some of our players on “WHO WILL WIN?”
WHO WILL WIN? is a game of role-play, improvisation and strategy, played over Zoom. Begin by co-operating with your colleagues to keep The Company afloat, dabble with being promoted & eventually seek counsel from God if you can find His breakout room.
Made by Huge If Theatre, a new collective making mischievously experimental work. With this game we explore the possibilities of interactive play over Zoom, probe the possibilities and fracture points of collectivism, and, most importantly, give the players the best good old fun time we can.
HIT is Harley Hefford, Tom Lew, Jalen Lyle-Holmes and Georgia Symons.